- Sector: Business , Management
- Study Mode: Full Time
- Full Time Duration: 3 Years
- Degree Type: Bachelor
- Qualifications: BA
- Awarding University: The University of the West of England, Bristol UK
The BA (Hons) Business and Management programme offers students a current and integrated business education covering the main disciplines and operational areas of business. The curriculum aims to challenge students in their ways of thinking, behaving and learning, and issues of ethics and ethical decision making, sustainability and global citizenship are embedded throughout. The programme actively seeks input from the external environment and student learning is grounded in the external context wherever appropriate through, for instance, external speakers; assessments require students to test out concepts in practice and to reflect on their experience of organizations. In addition, all students are encouraged by the curriculum into actively pursuing work experience of some kind i.e. via placement, internship, or volunteering. Student achievement is supported by a clear personal development strand of transferable skills and ‘brain habits’ over all three levels that facilitate the transition into higher education and which underpins employability and lifelong learning.
GCE Advance Level with 2 passes at one and the same sitting with a Credit Pass for English at GCE( Ordinary Level)
GCE Advance Level (London, Cambridge or Edexcel) with 2 passes at one and the same sitting.
Successful completion of any recognized Foundation Level.