- Sector: Industry , Pharmacy , Science
- Study Mode: Full Time
- Accreditation: University Grants Commission (UGC)
- Full Time Duration: 4 Years
- Degree Type: Bachelor
- Awarding University: CINEC Campus
This degree is designed for students to develop a good understanding of industrial pharmacy in general and the importance of applying the knowledge and skills into the practice in the pharmaceutical industry in Sri Lanka and other countries. In the last decade, the rapid growth of the pharmaceutical industry had diversified the roles and functions of the industrial pharmacist. This degree program will cover the areas of manufacturing, development, marketing and distribution of drug products including quality assurance. The graduates will be familiar with pharmaceutical industry with the particular practice of their discipline. Principle amongst this will be the methodology of design and develop new drugs in both western and herbal products. Through the graduates of this program, it is expected that the pharmacy profession will greatly contribute to the development of quality, safe and cost-effective medicines which the people are in dire need of.