Certificate in Abnormal Psychology (CAP)

Institute of Mental Health

36a Shrubbery Garden Road, Colombo, Sri Lanka

  • Sector: Health Care , Psychology , Science
  • Study Mode: Online
  • Full Fees (LKR) : 64,000
  • Full Time Duration: 3 Months
  • Degree Type: Certificate
  • Awarding University: Institute of Mental Health

Course Description

Abnormal Psychology is a complex, controversial and a very fascinating field of study in applied psychology. The modern psychological community has made tremendous strides in better understanding, diagnosing and treating abnormal disorders of the mind compared to centuries and even decades ago. While there is still much stigma attached to this branch of mental illness, it is less so than in the past. This course will introduce you to the many faces of abnormal psychology. It will discuss old and new ideas surrounding this branch of psychology and will offer general information about how abnormal and clinical psychologists and psychiatrists identify and treat these types of mental illnesses.

Whether you are considering an education or a career in abnormal psychology or if you are simply interested in learning more about this fascinating field of study, this course will introduce you to a better understanding of the intricacies of the human mind and the ever evolving study of Abnormal Psychology and Psychopathology.

Entry Requirements

  • Age not less than 19 years
  • Fluency of the English language is essential

Suitable for,

  • University Graduates
  • Members of recognized Professional bodies
  • School Teachers or Assistant Teachers
  • Professional / Academic Diploma or Advanced / Higher (National) Diploma holders or Holders of a Certificate / Diploma in Education, Psychology or Counselling

Course Locations

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