- Sector: Engineering , Science
- Study Mode: Full Time
- Full Time Duration: 4 Months
- International Transfer options 1: 2+2 transfer option available,
- Degree Type: Bachelor
- Qualifications: Bsc
- Awarding University: Sri Lanka Technological Campus
B.Tech Hons. in Electronics is a technical program that prepares students in the field of Electronic Technologist. Apart from Ethical Practices, Sustainability, and Industrial Law this program provides graduates with the knowledge on:
Electrical and Electronic circuits
VLSI systems
Micro processors
Micro controllers
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturing
Power electronics
Embedded systems
The entry requirement is a minimum of 3 ordinary passes (S) in approved subjects in Technology, Physical Science, Biological Science, or ICT stream at GCE A/L Examinations in one and the same sitting and a minimum mark of 30% for the Common General Paper.
GPA 2.0 , IELTS 6.5
Students can transfer to the following universities,
UK - Lancester University, Australia - Deakin University, Ireland - Trinity College (Dublin), USA - Yexas Tech University & Georgia Institute of Technology, Vietnam - RMIT University (Veitnam Campus)