High Street Centre, West A. Silva Mawatha, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Study Mode:
Full Time
Accreditation: BCS Uk
Full Time Duration:
2 Years
Degree Type: Master
Awarding University: Robert Gorden University UK UK
Course Description
This Master's degree course offers extensive training in Business Analytics technology and methods, providing the opportunity to upgrade existing skills to state-of-the-art expertise in areas such as Web Mining, Business Intelligence, Big Data and Data Science, NoSQL databases, Business Modelling techniques. A strong research focus will equip students to either move on to PhD programmes or industry-based research positions or becoming industry consultants in Business Analytics project.
Entry Requirements
The normal minimum entry requirements are an Honours Degree (2nd class or better) in a discipline with significant IT, Computing, Mathematics or Statistics content. In general, all potential applicants are subjected to an interview to discuss the level of qualification offered and the experience gained in an industrial background.
These are the standard requirements for the MSc course. However, students without the standard requirements may be accepted for the programme on a case by case basis. They are advised to contact the registrar’s office for alternate entry paths. IIT will always refer to Computer Science and Digital Media (CSDM) of Robert Gordon University (RGU), Scotland, UK when considering applicants who do not meet the stipulated criteria. Applicants may still be considered in situations where they possess a degree in addition to significant industrial experience. These applicants will also be subjected to an interview.